January 24, 2011

The Hard Boiled Egg (easy to peel)

Ok, monkey nation. Why bother with a hard boiled egg post, you ask? It seems like everyone has a trick to make the eggs easy to peel. I guess I do, too!

Here are my 3 (and a 4th for me) reasons:

1.  It's a nutritional snack
2.  They are easy to make
3.  Hard boiled eggs taste good with breakfast
4.  I need the calcium from the shells for my composting

Here's what works best for me:

What you need:
1 large pot
1 small, shallow bowl
Enough water to cover the eggs by an inch
1/2 c. White Vinegar
Eggs (6-18 depending on the size of your pot)

How you do it:

1.  Pour the Vinegar in a small, shallow bowl
2.  Place 1 Egg into the Vinegar and turn & twist it so it is coated with vinegar
3.  Carefully place it in the bottom of the large pot; Repeat for all of the eggs
4.  Pour enough water into the pot so the top of the eggs are covered by an inch of water
5.  Bring to a full boil (about 10-12 min),
6.  Turn off the heat, BUT leave the pot, eggs, &water on the burner for 10 min.
7.  Carefully remove the eggs with tongs into another bowl and let cool to touch at room temp.
8.  Place the bowl of eggs in your refrigerator over night and enjoy the next day!

See, anymonkeycan make an easy to peel hard boiled egg because THIS monkey just did!

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