February 12, 2011

Roasted Brussel Sprouts - (1 Banana Difficulty)

After speaking about the magic of roasting cauliflower, a friend told me that Roasted Brussels Sprouts were amazing.  Seriously?!  The much maligned Brussels Sprouts also undergo a flavor transformation when roasted?  I guess I have to see it to believe.  Today 'This Monkey' is going to roast up some Brussels Sprouts.  Here's how you do it:

Brussels Sprout Scepter

1 - "Scepter" of Brussels Sprouts - Try to find 1 where the leaves are compact
3-4 T of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 t of Kosher Salt or to taste
Pre Roast
Black Pepper to Taste


1.  Pre heat Oven to 400 Deg F
2.  Pull off each individual Brussels Sprout
3.  Cut off the ends & remove any yellow outer leaves
4.  Rinse in a colander, pat them dry, place them in a large bowl
5.  Drizzle the Olive Oil & Sprinkle the Salt & Pepper over them
6.  Spread them out on a Roasting/cookie pan
7.  Roast for 35-40 min shaking every so often for equal roasting
Post Roast
8.  Salt & Pepper as needed, then serve


1.  Serve as is.  They're Great!
2.  Cut in half, drizzle with Balsamic Vinegar & sprinkle on Cheese
3.  After they cool, quarter them & add them to a pasta salad.

As is


The Edamame Orzo Salad came about by accident.  I wanted to make a "Jim's" Corn Salad-Salsa for a Super Bowl party & ran into an Asian Grocery store by my house.  They didn't have regular corn, but they had the Baby Corn & Edamame as well as the Bell Peppers I needed.  The "Jim's" Corn Salad-Salsa had become "AnyMonkey's" Edamame Salad-Salsa.  It was really good, so with the leftovers I added some of the Brussels Sprouts (quartered) & Orzo.  It turned out great!

with Balsamic Vinegar & Cheese

 Well, that about does for today.  Roasting continues to dominate vegetables.  Enjoy and "anymonkeycan" roast some delicious Brussels Sprouts!

Edamame Orzo Salad


  1. Chef Michael, I keep intending to do some of these recipes. I like brussels sprts too. I bought sweet potatoes for the fun and easy recipe but that's as far as I've got. I think I can do the oatmeal for sure:-)

  2. I bet you could handle the stovetop popcorn as well!
