October 6, 2011

HUMMUS SPINACH SANDWICH (a 1 banana difficulty level)

Well, my whole goal is delicious food made simple.  Here's pretty much a slow pitch softball, Hummus Spinach Sandwich.  I bring my lunch to work & at least 90% of the time it is a basic PB sandwich.  That's right, peanut butter sandwich.  Heck, I don't even put the jelly on it!

But everyone once in awhile, maybe I have some leftover hummus & I get to have a Hummus sandwich.

So here's your one banana (if that) difficulty level recipe.  Let's get started!

At least 2 slices of Whole Wheat Bread
http://www.anymonkeycan.com/2011/06/whole-wheat-bread-2-banana-difficulty.html (to make your own)

2 T of Hummus
http://www.anymonkeycan.com/2010/09/hummus-foxymorons-style.html (to make your own)

4-5 leaves of Spinach per sandwich
Shavings of Pecorino Romano Cheese (or your favorite)

1.  Well, you make a sandwich.  I'll let the photo do the talking.

So, that's it.  My initial impulse is not to post these, but sometimes it is pretty easy to make a great tasting meal!  Enjoy the simplicity of eating well!

Until next time, your favorite interweb monkey!

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